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Qatar Awareness Campaign – Chamber of Commerce


qatar_awareness_campaign_logoThomas J. Donohue
Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America
1615 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20062-2000

Dear Mr. Donohue:

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of Qatar. In 2010, the US Chamber of Commerce opened a branch in Doha, Qatar – AmCham Qatar. Qatar, while the wealthiest country per capita in the world, is at once the home base of the Muslim Brotherhood and also the world’s most prolific sponsor of terror, including: Hamas, Boko Haram, and the Islamic State.

AmCham Qatar is the “first legally established foreign Chamber of Commerce in Qatar.” This is not a surprising fact, for Qatar is a business partner and client of several of America’s largest and longest established companies, including Boeing, Lockheed Martin, ExxonMobil, and many others.

Qatar Awareness Campaign – Michael Bloomberg


Michael Bloombergqatar_awareness_campaign_logo
Bloomberg L.P.
731 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10022

Dear Mr. Bloomberg:

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of the State of Qatar, whose government you and your philanthropies are connected to and work with. Qatar is a state sponsor of terror, providing funds to Fatah and Hamas, and the host country of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The crisis with Israel is a direct result of Qatar’s/the Muslim Brotherhood’s relationship with the Obama administration, and, in general, Washington D.C. Just yesterday, it was reported that a senior Obama official called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “chickenshit.” In August, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry attempted to force Israel to accept Qatari-negotiated “peace” terms with Hamas. What loaded dice.

Qatar Awareness Campaign – Bill and Hillary Clinton


President Bill and Honorable Hillary Clintonqatar_awareness_campaign_logo
Clinton Foundation
1271 Avenue of the Americas
42nd Floor
New York, NY 10020

Dear President Bill and Hillary Clinton:

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of Qatar. The State of Qatar, in 2013, donated between $1-5 million to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Qatar is also the major financier behind Hamas as well as the genocidal Islamic State.

Qatar also happens to be home of the Muslim Brotherhood, the stateless political organization that seeks political revolution across the world as to implement Sharia law. Indeed, the Arab Spring is a project of the Muslim Brotherhood in order to reestablish a totalitarian Islamic caliphate. In 1994, the Clinton administration welcomed the Council on American Islamic Relations into White House policy making. CAIR, it should be noted, has been conclusively linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas (which is itself the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, founded by the Nazi collaborator Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini).

Qatar Awareness Campaign – Miramax and the Weinstein Brothers


Harvey and Bob Weinsteinqatar_awareness_campaign_logo
c/o Miramax Films
375 Greenwich St.
New York, NY 10013

Dear Harvey and Bob Weinstein:

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of Qatar. The film company you founded, Miramax, is largely owned by the Qatar Investment Authority, the sovereign wealth fund operated by the Qatari state. Qatar has proven itself the primary sponsor of terror and genocide in the Middle East and North Africa.

In 2010, Disney sold Miramax to Filmyard Holdings, a joint investment group which included the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), private equity company Colony Capital, and construction company Tutor-Saliba Corporation. QIA was the largest shareholder. In January 2013, Ron Tutor of Tutor-Saliba sold his stake in Miramax to the Qatar Investment Authority, leaving Miramax in the hands of Colony Capital and Qatar exclusively.

Qatar Awareness Campaign – Senator John McCain


Senator John McCain
241 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

Dear Senator McCain:qatar_awareness_campaign_logo

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of Qatar. In light of your unwavering support for the Arab Spring, it is important to weigh your concerns for “democracy” against empowering the nation’s enemies. The State of Qatar was a consistent advocate for the Arab Spring, precisely because they are the home of the terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood.

Before even President Obama, reacting to events in Tahrir Square, called for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down, you, Senator McCain, did so. “Regrettably the time has come 4 Pres. Mubarak 2 step down & relinquish power. It’s in the best interest of Egypt, its people & its military,” you tweeted on February 2, 2011. Mubarak’s resignation was the first significant step toward destabilizing the Middle East, which has led to anarchy across the entire region and the proliferation of jihadi militias.

Qatar Awareness Campaign – Harrods & UK Terror


Michael Ward, Managing Directorqatar_awareness_campaign_logo
Harrods Ltd.
87–135 Brompton Road
London, SW1X 7XL
United Kingdom

Dear Mr. Ward:

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of Qatar, the country who currently owns Harrods and its various holdings. In fact, Qatar owns vast dealings and large businesses throughout the UK. Qatar is directly funding terrorist groups and turning a blind eye to their other financiers operating within their borders.

Harrods was sold by Mohamed Al Fayed, its previous owner, to Qatar Holdings, part of the Qatar Investment Authority, the state’s sovereign wealth fund, in May of 2010 for a reported £1.5 billion. The sale was concluded by Qatar’s then prime minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al Thani, who was also chief executive of the wealth fund. Under his rule and guidance as the QIA’s boss, Qatar also owns or co-owns a number of other landmarks including the Shard, Europe’s tallest skyscraper, as well as large stakes in some major UK businesses. Now Harrods is facing a boycott due to Qatar’s support of Islamic terrorist organizations across three continents.

Qatar Awareness Campaign – FC Barcelona


Josep M. Bartomeu i Floretaqatar_awareness_campaign_logo
FC Barcelona (Press Office)
Avenida Arístides Maillol, s/n

Dear Mr. Bartomeu i Floreta:

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of Qatar. Qatar Airways is the sponsor of FC Barcelona. Not only has Qatar Airways been reported to be involved with significant narcotics trafficking, but the State of Qatar is a bona fide state sponsor of terror spanning at least three continents. They are in part responsible for the ISIS genocide that is targeting Middle Eastern Christian populations.

Of all the shirts in professional football, none is more recognizable than FC Barcelona’s “Qatar Airways” jersey. The red and blue striped advertisement for Qatar Airways, with its gold collar, is worn by men, women, and children the world around. Yet given Qatar’s proven financing of mass murder and terror, one wonders who would wear this shirt if they understood that it was Qatar who financed and trained the Islamic State?

Qatar Awareness Campaign – FIFA


Joseph ‘Sepp’ Blatterqatar_awareness_campaign_logo
Fédération Internationale de Football Association
FIFA-Strasse 20, P.O. Box 8044
Zurich, Switzerland

Dear Mr. Blatter:

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of Qatar. FIFA is preparing to host the 2022 World Cup in Qatar’s capital city of Doha, and this decision has proved anything but uncontroversial. Not the least, because of bribery charges.

In September 2013, the UK’s The Guardian ran a feature story on Qatar’s “World Cup slaves.” These slaves, foreign workers who are flown in from countries such as Nepal, India, and Bangladesh, are deprived of basic human rights, including:

Qatar Awareness Campaign – ExxonMobil


Rex W. Tillerson qatar_awareness_campaign_logo
Corporate Headquarters
5959 Las Colinas Boulevard
Irving, Texas 75039-2298

Dear Mr. Tillerson:

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of Qatar. Of all the American companies currently involved with Qatar, none is more responsible for Qatar’s economic success than ExxonMobil. Indeed, Qatar has the world’s highest per capita GDP, at $102,100 (2013).

The United States has two massive military bases in Qatar: Al Udeid, the home of CENTCOM for the region, and As Sayliyah, the largest pre-positioning base outside the continental United States. One primary reason that these bases exist in Qatar is because they are subsidized (or, as the Washington Post put it, owned) by the Qatari government. These Qatar-owned bases are what protect Qatar from their neighbors, many whom have been thrown into Qatari-induced chaos following the Muslim Brotherhood’s Arab Spring.

Qatar Awareness Campaign – Raytheon


Thomas A. Kennedyqatar_awareness_campaign_logo
Raytheon Company
870 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451-1449

Dear Dr. Kennedy:

This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of Qatar. Raytheon, a major American military contractor and leading manufacturer of guided missiles, is set to be a substantial provider of sophisticated weapons systems to the terrorist-sponsor State of Qatar for many years; and has just reaffirmed their commitment to supply Qatar with surface-to-air missiles.

Qatar, however, is no mere sponsor of random terror. Not only was Doha home to 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Indeed, Qatar is the principal country that supported the so-called “Arab Spring” uprisings, which saw the demise of Mubarak, Gaddafi, and nearly – possibly still – Bashar al-Assad. The relevant point to consider regarding these revolutions is, cui bono?