The other night on MSNBC, Chris “Thrill up my Leg” Matthews blurted out the truth about illegal immigration. It will continue, he said, because “[the Republicans] want cheap labor. And Democrats want votes. Let’s face it.”

Cheap labor (h/t, Chamber of Commerce) and votes: for these two agendas, money and power, the political establishment is selling out your country. Incidentally, proposed bipartisan “comprehensive” immigration reform would accommodate both agendas, and only make the problem worse.

In other immigration news, Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has stolen the spotlight with his strong denunciation of illegal immigration from Mexico. Said Trump, “What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.”

Trump’s salty language, which also happens to be true (though to be fair, many of these criminals are not Mexican, but travel through Mexico into the USA), has so enraged the political class that he is being attacked from both sides of the aisle. His proposed solution is to build a wall, and let Mexico pay for it!

Here are some other attainable solutions to deal with this dire problem:

  • Enforce existing law! The law isn’t broken, it is being intentionally ignored.
  • Use some of the military equipment that is being dispersed around the country to local police departments to secure the border. If it’s good enough to police American citizens, why not the border?
  • To protect voting, develop a national identification standard that positively identifies U.S. citizens.
  • Re-establish trust with the Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies, which have been hamstrung and abused by the Obama administration.

On the topic of votes for illegal immigrants, New York City, under lawless Mayor Bill DeBlasio, has led the way with ID cards that do not specify if the person is a legal citizen or illegal alien. Explained DeBlasio last year, “this is a way of normalizing and improving people’s lives.”

It’s also a way to ensure that the estimated 500,000 illegal immigrants living in New York City can vote if they choose.

The diabolical scheme to import Democrat votes from South of the Border is led by George Soros, who is also the leading money man and strategist behind Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Importing voters is about holding and maintaining power by hijacking the electoral system through fraud.

In the six and a half years since Obama took office, the United States has accumulated more debt than under any other president (federal debt now exceeds $18 trillion) and more than 93 million Americans are out of work. National security is at its most precarious point in century, due to drastic military cuts, asinine rules of engagement, and the intentional blindfolding of intelligence officers who are combating Islamic terrorism.

Aside from violent crime, this is the real danger in uncontrolled immigration. The country, its citizenry, and culture are being diluted. If left unaddressed, it will make the agenda of Obama, Soros, and Hillary permanent.

Should the next president continue to ignore this dire problem, America will disappear like the flame of a candle which has been plunged beneath water. One second it burns bright, the next it is gone without a trace.


  1. The goal of real immigration reform should be to stop the illegal alien immigration-magnet from happening again, in even bigger numbers than 30-million, ten years down the road. This cannot be achieved, nor can we secure our borders, without removing the incentives created by Congress for those who have entered this country illegally.

    Please note, “legalization” is code for amnesty*.

    No one other than ‘The Donald’ is even in the right universe with the overwhelming opinion of the American people when it comes to rewarding lawlessness with amnesty — although Gov Walker and Rick Santorum are orbiting around its outer parameter.

    *Source: Sen. Jeff Sessions defines amnesty as any measure that delays deportation